maybe i am being a little too honest these days, which made me look kind of ab bitch but i cant help it when i am only stating the truth that certain people are trying to avoid. maybe i am too dissatisfied about the people who i've come to know which are disturbing. and disturbances to me resembles to a bag full of disdain.
you know, there's these type of people who's devotion to themselves are completely vexatious. they keep classifying themselves in such disgrace words which are disturbing.
: 'kenapalah aku ni bodoh sangat? dah lah bodoh lepas tu tak pandai pulak tu.'
-dude, we get it, you are stupid, but is there a necessity where you have to show your stupidness to the whole world?
: 'aku ni hodoh, gelap, pendek, banyak jerawat, busuk, rambut minyak..etc.. etc..'
-bitch, we got it that you're ugly but is there a compulsion that asks you to disrespect yourself in such revolting words?
gosh, these are the type of people that had conquer my disdain feelings in matter of seconds. hey, Allah Taala had created you people in such beauty, but, all you people gave in return to Him are disrespects to yourself. is that how these days people express their gratitude to their God for giving them life? you're ugly, so what? accept it, and realize that, you're lucky enough to have a perfect face even though they're not immaculate. you're stupid? make choices you arse.
i was once in these type of people category too, but then, time changes me, age teaches me, life lectures me. i am not perfect but i adore myself.
pengakuan: don't be such a loser in your own book. be a disgrace bitch that can hold on to anything.
awak makin banyak membebel. huhuhu. says suka.
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