Tuesday, April 24, 2012



sometimes. i am a total mess. just fucking disgusting. sometimes, i gave up on my hopes to find dragons and to be friends with zombies.

sometimes i look at myself and there are nothing but loathe but sometimes, there too many emotions, i can barely fit them inside me.

sometimes, i feel like i am not worth to be with anybody but sometimes, i feel that i am too fucking good for anyone to own me.

sometimes, the world is too big and too small at the same time. sometimes i feel like i don't belong. sometimes, i just have to face to truth that i will never have a pet pokemon.

sometimes, everything seems so wrong. so fucking wrong that even breathing has become something that i have to tell myself to do instead of being a simple involuntry act.

sometimes. everything seems so perfect, i don't even want to move because of the fear that i might ruin that moment.

and most of the time, i do.

sometimes. that is how time works.


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