Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dyslexia Who?


after a number of test that i had done recently, i am clinically proven as a dyslexic. i am not surprised actually. i mean, this dyslexia thing really clear some things out.

1. the reason why i have a hard time to differentiate between left and right. (that is one of the main symptom of dyslexia)

2. having a hard time to concentrate.

3. short of attention

4. slow. i mean, the way my mind process is real slow.

5. easily confused by simple things

6. hyper, easily distracted and daydreaming

7. having a hard to time to read or pronounce or spell certain words even though i had spelled it countless of time.

8. the sensation of moving even when i am sitting still.

and a lot more. i cant really list them all. only the obvious ones. so, this explains hell of a lot. until now, it takes me about 5-10 seconds in average for me to determine which way is my left and which way is right.

i also remembered the time when i was a kid, my mother was pretty angry at me for not being able to spell GRANDMOTHER orally though i can write it on the paper just fine. my confusion when the words all jumbled up on the pages, dancing around, teasing me. the reason why i cant read in a moving place.

maybe my dyslexia is not that serious because i can still read fluently but i still find it hard to say some words out loud.

after finishing school, i had finally knew that i have dyslexia. how irony. hahaha.


confession: this is not an excuse for me being stupid in my studies but yeah, maybe it is. hohohohoho. but what the hell. dyslexia cant stop me.

ps: but i failed my Ujian Undang-undang because of my dyslexia. hahaha.

Sunday, January 29, 2012



pardon me for my vulgar tittle. but one can't help but to cuss in certain moments. haha. but yeah, pardon me. cursing will calm me down sometime, like it or not, it is scienticfically proven.

you know why i had written 'mindfuck' as my tittle for today. because my feeling is all over the place. remember the time that wrote about i was over you? yeah, apparently, only half of me are over you, the other half is still there, waiting for you. you see how pathetic that is?? and i hate it when i feel pathetic about myself. it lowers my self-esteem and make me feel like a dick when i dont even have a dick.


so, yeah, i was missing a bunch of people one day, my friends whom i haven't seen in weeks. yes, i miss them so much, being a bitch around them, being happy around them, being able to talk which seemed like infinity around them, i miss them so much it broke my heart.

and suddenly guess what, the thought of you jumped into my mind, running around. and i thought, 'damn it' and sighed, 'this is a bloody mindfuck'. 'how dare you invade my thoughts!' i yelled internally and then i laughed. it is my fault not yours.

i can barely hear your name anymore, i might throw up. i dont want to cry over you because that seem like so much more lower than pathetic so i let my throat feel sick instead.

the weird thing is that i know, really, i know that i dont want to be with you anymore. because, maybe we are really not meant to be, and yes, i have accepted that and made peace with that.

but, why the hell, why in the world am i still missing you in the middle of something? why do i still love you so whenever i convinced myself otherwise?? huh?

mindfuck. this is what mindfuck means. to not truly understand yourself. mindfuck.


confession: my entry are mostly about you. i hate myself for it. really. but this is the only one place where i can really pour out what i am feeling without anything that will hold me back.

ps: at times like these, only the Holy Quran will help me because, Allah knows all the answer (: the solution for every problem is You (:

Friday, January 27, 2012

i thought i was gonna vomit.



it was about the first week of this month i think.

you called me.

seeing your number and name and the blinking light and the ringing tone on my phone. you were calling me.

first i thought it was my imagination.

but the ring tone was still there.

'for real?' i thought.

i pressed answer then i stopped breathing.

that easy voice, they were running through my veins and catching my stomach on fire. gripping my heart to death. and chocking my throat.

'i cant do this.' i thought to myself.

i answered your normal questions, was trying my best to sound normal. as if i was actually breathing.

'i cant do this.' my breath was weird. my throat was going to throw up. my eyes were stinging.

my knees, they were weak.

just by your voice.

i don't even remember our conversation. all i remembered was that, i don't want to hear your voice, i can't, and i had to hang up.

i was busy at that time, and using that, i hung up.

but my knees. ohh, my strong, powerful knees that helped get through a lot, scraped a lot, was weakened by your voice.

i have to get away.


confession: i thought i convinced myself enough.

one of those days.

i miss you. i think i am going to vomit.


confession: another long night of being a weak hearted dumb person. jazmin, you are beyond pathetic.

ps: i cant believe that i still do. heh.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

2 years ++ approximately (:


hey, remember me? hahaha. this place is like my little getaway. secret hiding place. it gives me a lot of comfort just for the fact that i can write whatever the hell that i want in here without putting a mask on my face and tying my fingers from typing something that i am not suppose to.

tapi sekarang, aku tak tahu apa nak tulis sebenarnya. jari ini menggatal. otak pula asyik menjerit, 'hey, tulislah satu benda. kau tahu tak aku letih menyimpan fikiran-fikiran kau dalam ni. kau punya kapasiti bukannya banyak mana pun.' jadi, sampailah aku kesini, orang yang bingung dan tak keruan sebab, aku tak ada tajuk pun.

ohhh, aku mungkin nak tulis sesuatu. daripada hari itu aku nak luahkan cuma masa sahaja aku tak jumpa. maklumlah, kerja kannn. hahaha. (walhal kerja dekat bakeri Emak sendiri) haha. tapi, kerja tetap kerja. apa yang aku nak tulis tadi? heh, kan dah lupa.

oh ya! aku dah bergerak. hahaha. aku tahu aku siput, aku antara siput paling perlahan di dunia ini tapi sekarang aku dah bergerak. segala perasaan yang aku simpan dulu semuanya aku dah mula simpan satu persatu dalam kotak. aku rasa bangga. bangga terhadap kemajuan aku yang aku rasa paling jauh sekali. 2 tahun ++, akhirnya, aku dah belajar yang sebenarnya aku boleh hilangkan bayang-bayang yang menghantui aku. senang rupanya. aku cuma perlu padamkan lampu dan tadaaa~~~ tak ada bayang lagi. cuma, maklumlah, aku kan lembab, perlahan, bila orang lain dah berkejar kesana kemari, aku masih lagi tak keruan. masih lagi di persimpangan.

alhamdulillah. hoi! ingat senang ke nak 'get over'? susah wooo wa cakap sama lu. susah gila. tapi bila fikirkan balik dalam lingkungan 2 tahun ++ yang lepas, aku rasa bodoh pun ada juga. rasa PHATHETIC gitu.

maksud aku, untuk seorang manusia yang bukannya ada pertalian darah ataupun hidup atau mati, aku sanggup korbankan jiwa aku. kelakar. bodoh. manusia yang aku cuma punya satu perasaan, cinta. cinta dengan orang yang bukan mahram. kononnya cinta yang aku rasa itu boleh aku bawa ke mati. kononnya cinta yang aku rasa itu adalah suci. kononnya cinta yang aku punya dulu itu adalah segala-galanya bagi aku. sungguh, aku rasa begitu. aku bodoh. cinta. heh. cinta yang kononnya bukan 'cinta monyet.' kononnya cinta yang aku rasa itu tak ada orang lain pun yang tahu. kononnya cinta itu adalah dunia aku. orang yang cintai dulu adalah satu-satunya orang yang aku perlukan.

fuck that. fuck all of that.

alhamdulillah. alhamdulillah aku panjatkan syukur aku setinggi-tinggi mungkin kepada Allah kerana Dia telak takdirkan untuk aku putus cinta. fuck it. 'putus cinta'? geli gila nak mampus. kalau kita cintakan seseorang dengan sepenuh hati, takkan putus cinta tersebut. cinta yang tulus suci murni dah direstui oleh Allah aku percaya, takkan putus sehingga ajal menjelma sekalipun. aku bersyukur kerana Allah telah memberikan aku ruang untuk membuat kesilapan dan juga ruang untuk aku SEDAR kesilapan aku. maksud aku, bukannya semua orang dapat peluang kedua dengan senang-senang macam itu saja. aku bersyukur dengan peluang emas yang Allah telah berikan kepada aku.

dan kepada manusia yang telah 'putusnya cinta' di antara aku dan dia, aku sendiri tertanya-tanya, betul ke apa yang kita alami sebelum ini adalah 'cinta'? betul ke? atau ianya sekadar ucapan? alaaa, figure of speech. betul ke apa yang kita rasa tu? aku parcaya, scratch that, aku yakin half of the feelings yang kita rasakan itu adalah lust semata-mata. curiosity. okay, aku mengaku, mungkin aku suka kau, suka tahap obses. kau pun aku rasa mungkin suka aku juga. tapi itu sajalah aku rasa. cuma 'suka'. 'cinta' itu aku rasa jauh lagi. jauh lagi.

cinta untuk kau? naaahhh. that was all just a figure of speech, trying to place our feelings into something that sounds pure and beautiful and yet it was just ordinary.

dalam 2 tahun ++ ini aku kenal siapa yang cintakan. siapa yang telah mendefinisikan maksud 'cinta' itu dalam perspektif serta fahaman yang betul. aku kenal siapa yang aku cintakan.


cinta. bagi aku itulah definisinya.

insya Allah, mungkin aku akan jumpa soulmate aku. cinta dunia akhirat yang Allah telah ukirkan khas untuk aku. mungkin dia juga akan mengajar aku tentang definisi 'cinta' yang belum lagi aku fahami sepenunya yakni aspek cinta kepada suami gitu. hahaha. jauhnya lah aku fikir. but it all start from a dream kan?

cinta itu murni, dan aku rasa bersalah sebab aku telah rosakkan initipatinya yang sebenar dengan menggunakannya sebagai alasan kepada perasaan suka yang terlampau mendalam. mungkin yang aku rasa kepada manusia tersebut adalah sayang. bukan cinta.

panjang pula aku berceloteh. haha. apa salahnya kan? bukannya selalu pun. tapi kalau dah mula, heh, harapanlah aku nak berhenti.

the misunderstood.

confession: finally (: hahaha. mungkin aku masih lagi sayang. aku mengaku. cinta? naaahh.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Foster The People.

anyone going?

i wish i could go. but then, i think in Islam, these type of concerts are not so good. i am only human. hahaha. but still, i am kind of glad that i could not go. prevent me from getting into a bad situation. Allah knows better and i should accept it as it is.

but Foster The People is an awesome band. i thought good music and band are dead, but there they are, making music a good justice. go go go!


confession: my life revolves in the internet. because that is how all of us stays connected with each other. miss my girls (:

waiting for a quack

waiting for a duckling. still waiting for the duckling. please come to mama.


Saturday, January 7, 2012

depressed? who is that?

alhamdulillah. i hate myself when i am depressed. i look like shit and i will be a bitch. not cool. i wish i can yell on the top of my lungs, shrieking my joys sharing them with the world. but it is 4.40 in the morning and i dont think it is legal to do that. no, i dont think the neighbours will accept my enjoyment that well. have to wait i guess. but at least i am HAPPILY waiting. nothing better that that. being happy. keeps me young too. lalalala.


confession: tak sabar nak tunggu tshirt artctic monkey sampai. haha.

when a bestfriend meets a bestfriend.

kalau aku boleh jadi lebih happy dan gembira dari sekarang ini, aku nak. tapi aku rasa, ini dah tahap maksimum. hahaha. i am feeling so giddy and lightheaded.

right now, everything that surrounds me i look at them as if they are sugarcoated, my house seems like a gingerbread house and my bed feels like a fluffy cloud. my laptop is a rainbow. scratch that, my laptop right now, in my eyes looks like a DOUBLE rainbow. just imagine how happy i am. and times that with infinity.


i dont think i am capable of being in a bad mood. unless i didnt get enough sleep. but, mannn. Ya Allah, You are so awesome, i can barely thank You enough. Alhamdulillah.

when a bestfriend meets a bestfriend will do this to me. euphoria surrounds me. gossh, i am so HAPPY! hehehe. giddy. i literally cannot stop smiling. literally. i am smiling right now. i even smiled when i was peeing just now.

hey bestfriends, i will pray for you guys and on this new road you will be embarking upon. i wish for nothing but the best, only the best for you guys. my blessings are all yours, darling. all yours. hope this will lead to a better chapter. insya Allah.


confession: manalah nak cari anak itik warna kuning ni. payah beno.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

well. and well. and a well.

Why the fuck can't it be easy? It is taking too long. Too friggin' long.
Why is it so hard?

well i guess, nothing comes easy right? short or long. time is still time and the way to let it pass and kill it is just by patience, pray, redha and turn to Allah. i do not want to be a bitch and complain but, i am only human. haha. and i have only myself to blame.

alhamdulillah, life is nice for me now. i have the weirdo family, the freakish friends and i couldn't ask for anything better.

but if i can ask for something, i wish i am over you. hahahaha.

but other than that, i am so fine. Alhamdulillah. i am so fine and blessed. that statement above was just a moment. just an angry moment. i don't who to yell at so, i just wrote it. out of pure anger. lalala. forget about it (:

so yeah, hello blog.


confession: urm. i have nothing to confess. this is just a formality. hahaha.

Monday, January 2, 2012

the millionth time's a charm

here is a gift to you. yes. you. you know who you are. i promise you that i will let you go. i promise you that. and you know that i am a man of my words. i know i've told myself that promise like a thousand times before. i know i have been saying that like for the past a year and a half.

but this time, this time is the millionth time. and you know what they say, the millionth time is a charm compared to three. so, here's to letting you go. at last. hahaha.

but i have a question. urm. after this letting go stuff, can i still kinda love you a little bit. i mean, come onnnnn....... you can never really stop loving your first love can you? haha. well, that is the awful truth right. you used to be 'it'. and after being chosen as an 'it', you can never undo it and that stays forever.

funny how life works. okay. so. goodbye. all i am hoping is that you will always be in good health. fine. blessed by Allah. and of course, happy.

i hope there is someone better out there. the one that suits your perspective. the one that will respect you. look up to you. that one person that you don't have the need to change anymore because that person is just what you wanted. the one who will make your life easier.

and we both know that i am not that person. because my existence does not make any life easier. i am journey. i will never settle down. i crave freedom and staying still and do what others want never comes easy for me.

i don't want to change. not for you. not for anybody as a matter of fact. i will only change on my own will. my own terms. i know what is right and what is wrong. i am trying.

so, for the millionth time, goodbye. hear from me you will not. i hope not. hahaha. assalamualikum.


confession: 'always have and always will,'. i am keeping that promise too.